Our Story
Our Comite de Quartier de l'Espinette Centrale was created in 2008 as a means of making the citizens of Rhode St. Genese participate actively in the decision-making process revolving around the urbanistic plans proposed by the Commune and the Flemish government. We launched a petition and got 400 votes of our neighbours to react to the foreseen GRS/RUP and planning commission GECORO. Our dialogue with the Commune Rhode St Genese was very successful.
Over the years we continued and persevered in keeping the neighbourhood green and calm, with a diversity of mainly local shops, family friendly, insisting on reducing the car speed in the streets in the residential areas and around the Ecole Notre Dame from 50 km/h to 30 km/h. We are very proud of this!
Today we face big new project plans, such as Horizon +, which are again about to have great impact on our neigbourhoud. The so-called Mobility Point and the massive deforestation in the nearby Foret de Soignes is just the first step. In the forest almost 5000 m2 have been deforested to make place to a concrete parking.
We are deeply impacted by this devastation of a Natura 2000 protected site, not only because 2 of our members have participated (not far from Middenhut) in the replanting of 10.000 trees after the devastating storms in the 1990s.
We ask for your support to preserve the forest and the trees.
BE96 0689 3956 8905 stating "crowdfunding Forêt de Soignes".
We would like to underline that the funds are solely intended to support the protection of the Sonian Forest.